domingo, 27 de junho de 2010

Wake Up. Your life is calling.

The real life isn't your dream fantasy , it isn't your favorite book , or movie , life is ugly , it's complicated , it is full of bad moments.

and no , you won't live your favorite scene from your favorite movie. , IT'S A MOVIE , IT'S FANTASY . WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP.

This is real life. its a shithole , but hey. you are not alone.

im' living it , and worse, I enjoy living it. and i enjoy it ALOT.

honestly , real life is shit , and well , i love it.

and what makes reality my favorite place ?

movies, books , they are too perfect , its our flaws , our short-comings that makes it exciting.

what fun would we have if everytime, we got the girl , the first place , we won over the bad guy ?

sometimes bad wins, sometimes you lose the girl , sometimes we reach second , we reach third.

once i was happy with 43Th place.

that's life , it isn't perfect , but it's yours , it's mine.

so wake up , forget your fantasy , the real world won't forgive you , the real world dosn't got a written end.

the pen is in your hands , it is you that is going to carve your happy ending on the tattered paper , not your family , not your friends , they are your strength , not your hands

so , one last time . wake up. your life is calling.

edit (se tu ta com preguiça de ler, escute)

Now playing: Hoobastank - Without A Fight
via FoxyTunes

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